SEO Performance Tracking 📊

General SEO
2 min read
Kader AÄŸdaÄŸ
Sep 28, 2021

In this article

The result of every action and strategy that you track in digital marketing will be reflected in the metrics, and any changes you might make from these metrics can be understood much easier.

In a previous post, we emphasized the most important KPIs of SEO teams. (If you haven't read it yet, you can start by clicking here.) By tracking KPI metrics, you can find answers to these questions in your workflow:

  • Can I close the gap between my target and the realized value by the end of the month?
  • Is it possible to achieve this target with the strategy I have determined now?
  • Do anomalies occur for any reason (such as technical issues with the site) while developing my strategy?

It is very easy to find the answers to these and similar questions by just looking at the metrics, but if you have more than one KPI metric, it will be very complicated to check each metric one by one.

In this case, you will either prepare an excel file to see the change of all metrics and fill this table every month, or you will need to use a technology that will automate this work.

Did you know that Heybooster has a chart that automatically checks the metrics you follow each month and shows you their change?

While preparing this table, our aim is to enable SEO teams to easily understand and analyze the improvements or bad situations of the brands they are developing without wasting time during this KPI follow-up. It saves SEO teams a great deal of time by collecting these metrics in a single table and making them available automatically.


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