General SEO
2 min read

Payment Referral

The types of electronic payment methods are increasing day by day and many e-commerce businesses use these payment methods. That's actually a good thing, the easier the payment, the easier the purchase and the incentive to buy. However, the situation that broke the measurements of e-commerce businesses is with 2-step verification that takes place during this purchase process and redirecting to the site again.
General SEO
2 min read

SEO Performance Tracking 📊

The result of every action and strategy that you track in digital marketing will be reflected in the metrics, and any changes you might make from these metrics can be understood much easier. In a previous post, we emphasized the most important KPIs of SEO teams.
General SEO
10 min read

The 10 Most Important SEO KPIs You Should Be Tracking

It's not enough to make technical changes and develop content to be SEO-ready. Keep up-to-date with the changes made, ensure compliance with the algorithm, determine how your metrics are affected by the changes, and establish a KPI in line with your growth goals.

Products that cannot be sold in the ad

Wow, would you have invested in something that wouldn't sell for 30 days? Together we wish it hadn't happened. There may have been a drop in demand for these products as a result of changing seasonal patterns. Like, you want to sell sweaters in the summer.

Conflict Queries Between DSA and Search Campaigns

You might have noticed that the keywords you set up to drive traffic to your search campaigns attract your potential customers with irrelevant landing pages from DSA campaigns. You will have a greater chance of converting users from landing pages that your customers should reach because these keywords when targeted with search campaigns.