Keyword Research

Discover the art and science of keyword research with our blog. Learn how to identify high-value keywords, analyze search trends, and implement effective strategies to enhance your content's search engine visibility.
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Identify the Keywords with High CTR and Low Impression Share

Do you think that you are using the right strategies and that you can really use the full potential of the keywords that you think are performing well? Maybe there are some points you missed. There are many different metrics you can use to tell if a keyword is performing well.

Unlock the Next Level of Your SEO Strategy with Top-Performing Google Ads Keywords

SEO keywords and Google Ads keywords can be compatible together. You can even measure your SEO performance with Google Ads keywords.

Discover Your First Page Keywords, Crush Your Competitors

With regular tracking of First Page Keywords, you can increase both your visibility and your authority on the SERP.

Why Keywords and Ranking Analysis are Essential for Your Website's Success

Learn all the details about keywords ranking analysis and boost your SEO performance!

Organic Performance Of Non-Branded Keywords

It is important to know how far you stand out in the eCommerce space, where there is a constantly competitive atmosphere, and what are the parts that contribute to that visibility. While there are many different factors for you to know your competitive position and act accordingly, one of them is your non-branded keywords performance.

How I turn long-tail keywords into lead magnets! Explained step by step.

We're unlocking the long-tail keywords strategy you see in every SEO best practice today. Long-tail keywords are the first thing you need to turn long-tail keywords into lead generation machines. First, I made a list of solutions that heybooster offers, the platforms it integrates with, and the words that users can aim at using our product.